CV. WIJAYA Lestary
General Contractor & Supplier of Electrical, Mechanical, Civil engineering office: Bulak Banteng Lor III/19 Surabaya
Name : Joni Haryono, ST (Engineering)
Address : West Tawangsari - Hamlet Ndelik No.04 RT.16 RW.04
Tawangsari Village - Park District
KP: 61257
Tel: 082132237980-08815086165
- Procurement of Spare Parts for Commercial Ship or Vessel Military
Repair Service - Navigation and Ship Control Systems and Warship Commerce
- Services Design and Procurement of Spare Parts Industrial Robots and Robot Education (Robot Trainer)
Special Offer For a higher education need to Fighting Robot Design Robot Contest in the event of Indonesia:
- We are ready to design a robot to adjust RULE Robot Contest.
- We are ready to take higher education to become Champion
- We are ready to train and educate students who are ready to become a Team in the event the Indonesian Robot Contest
- for this special offer could cost nego ..... .. hub: Joni Haryono 082131237980 or 08815086165
A glimpse of my profile:
since 2004, I have been actively guide the student from the University Bhayangkara to follow the Indonesian Robot Contest. From year to year adalag achievements have been obtained as follows:
2004: the robot failed design.
in 2005: do not pass the selection of proposals.
2006: National champion favorite KRI
Year 2007 - 3rd place National KRI
Year 2008 - failed to champion
Year 2009 - reg KRI III IV champions and Best Design
KRCI champion II reg IV
KRSI champion National II
Year 2010 - National IV champion KRSI
Of real note, and can be proven or justified that all the team from the University of Surabaya Bhayangkara my only guide directly in the field.
Currently, my activities are no longer as a teacher. In 2010 I began submitting a resignation as a lecturer at the University Bhayangkara Surabaya. In 2011 I was no longer guide the robot in UBHARA Surabaya.
- for this special offer could cost nego ..... .. hub: Joni Haryono 082131237980 or 08815086165
- We are ready to design a robot to adjust RULE Robot Contest.